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The text size you use on your webpage may not be a good text size for some of the visitors to your page, especially visitors with poor eyesight or visitors on mobile devices such as tablets or phones. The text size may be too small for these users. Go ahead and click the button above and you will be able to change the size of the text on this webpage. Notice there is another button at the bottom right corner of the webpage. This button demonstrates all the options that you can choose with this script. This javascript script lets you easily add a text size changer button to your website. This script also allows you to customize options to allow visitors to change the font type, font color and background color. If you choose, the settings will be saved in a cookie so that when visitors return to your webpages their custom text changes will be reloaded. Features
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Then in your HTML document paste the following code where you
want the text changer button to appear: Note: If you choose lock_button: 1 then the button will appear at the bottom right of the screen. History 5/19/2016 - Version 1.0 - Cool Text Size Changer Javascript created. Last updated on February 22, 2018 |
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