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What is the best domain name registrar? If you are wondering which domain name registrar is the best one or the cheapest one to
register a domain name at then take a look at the poll here:
Your Vote:
Total Votes: 347 Side-By-Side Comparison
As you can see from the chart, Namesilo is cleary the winner for the cheapest domain name registration whether you need WHOIS privacy protection or not. The biggest complaint I have heard about Namesilo is that their support is not that great. Second on the list is Namecheap but most users say that Namecheap's customer support is better than Namesilo. Then we have Google Domains, which is also a good price considering that it has free WHOIS privacy. If you want to pay with Google Wallet then you might want to choose Google Domains for your domain name registration. But they do not accept Paypal or Bitcoin as a form of payment at this time. Then there is GoDaddy. Many users are complaining about Godaddy lately because their prices are not as competitive anymore and the website is always trying to upsell customers with too many add-on products. Last on the list is Network Solutions. If you purchased a domain name many years ago, you probably had it under Network Solutions because it was one of the first options back then for domain registration. Most users have switched from Network Solutions because their prices are far from competitive. And then, if you add in WHOIS Privacy and it is almost $50 a year. There you have it. The winner for domain name registration at this time appears to be namesilo. |
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