With "Speech Recognition Anywhere" you can control the Internet with your voice. Use Speech Recognition to fill out inputs, textareas, forms or documents on the Internet! What you speak is automatically typed into the form on the website. "Speech Recognition Anywhere" can also be used as a Virtual Assistant. Download the "Speech Recognition Anywhere" Chrome or Edge Extension today.

Use simple voice commands to go to websites or to click on buttons and links. It also works with Google Docs, Microsoft Word online, Gmail, outlook.com and more. Medical professionals and other health professionals use "Speech Recognition Anywhere" to fill out web based online patient medical records using speech to text. Business professionals use it to dictate letters and emails. Custom commands can be created by that allow the user to say shortcut phrases (also known as macros or autotext) that print out a lot of text into a form.

Accessibility features for those with disabilities: Many with mobility impairment are able to use the Internet with their voice instead of their hands. Those with vision impairment are able to listen to articles and navigation menus with text to speech. Say "Read article" to have the main content of the website read out loud. Say "Read menu" to have the navigation menu read out loud with text to speech. Press Esc or say "Stop Reading" to stop the text-to-speech.

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  • Browser extension for Chrome or Add-on for Edge browser for desktop and laptop computers.
  • NEW! Optional Windows Add-On (Beta).
  • Virtual Assistant Mode.
  • Choose between dozens of languages and dialects for speech recognition.
  • Dictate emails and online documents.
  • Fill in forms with your voice.
  • Go to the next or previous field with your voice.
  • Go to any website with your voice.
  • Switch tabs and navigate websites with your voice.
  • Scroll page up or down.
  • Click on links and buttons with your voice.
  • Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear, Highlight.
  • Say "Show labels" to see labels to buttons on a website.
  • Say "Show numbers" to see numbers next to links and buttons. Then say "Click on (number)".
  • Say "Youtube (name of artist or song) (in the background)" to play music instantly.
  • Create Custom Voice Commands.
  • Text To Speech.
  • Scripting.
  • Auto Punctuation.
  • Export/Import custom commands.

Watch Demonstration Video

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Speech Recognition Anywhere 19.99 Per Year
Speech Recognition Anywhere 2.49 Per Month

Custom Commands

Look in the comments below for "Custom Commands" that you can add to Speech Recognition Anywhere. If you have created some awesome commands for Speech Recognition Anywhere then please share them in the comments section below. (If you have urls (http: https:) in the action then please surround it with <code> </code> tags so the comment box does not convert it to a link.)

To create custom commands you do not need to use regular expressions but regular expressions will make your custom commands more powerful. For example, you could create this basic custom command:

Phrase: Display the weather satellite
Action: https://weather.weatherbug.com/maps/
Description: Display the weather satellite

But you would have to say the exact phrase, "Display the weather satellite" in order for the satellite image to display. But if you use regular expressions like in the example below then you can say a number of similar sentences to activate the command:

Phrase: (?:Display|Show)(?:.*?)?(?:satellite|clouds)(?:.*?)?(?:for |of |in )?(.*)?
Action: https://weather.weatherbug.com/maps/$1
Description: Display the weather satellite

With the above phrase you could say "Show me the clouds" or "Display the weather satellite for New York". Here is a breakdown of the phrase:

(?:Display|Show)        means to look for either "display" or "show". The | symbol means "or". Putting ?: at the beginning of the match inside the parentheses () means to look for the match but don't remember the match.

(?:.*?)?        means to look for any number of optional words like "the" or "the weather" and do not remember the match. The ? at the end outside of the parentheses () means these words are optional. For example, you could say "Show me the weather satellite" or you could just say "Show satellite".

(?:satellite|clouds)        means that the user has to say either "satellite" or "clouds" in the phrase for the phrase to be detected.

(?:.*?)?        means that we again look for any number of optional words.

(?:for |of |in )?        means that we look for "for " or "of " or "in " so that the user can say "Display the satellite for Colorado". Putting the ? at the end means this is optional.

(.*)?        means that we look for one more optional words or group of words at the end. But this time we don't put ?: at the beginning inside the parentheses () because we want to remember the match to use it later on. We want to remember the last word for a spoken command like "Show me the weather satellite for London". Then the remembered match can be used in the action: https://weather.weatherbug.com/maps/$1 . The $1 will be replaced with London in the url. $1 is used for the first match and $2 for the second, etc. If you wanted to put the whole spoken command in the action then you would use $0 . As an example, if you were wanting to let Google decide how to play music for you then you could use this phrase: Play (.*?) . So the spoken command could be "Play Coldplay". And the action could be: http://www.google.com/search?btnI&q=$0 because the $0 would match the entire phrase "Play Coldplay" so what would be sent to Google as: http://www.google.com/search?btnI&q=Play Coldplay . btnI means to instantly use the I'm feeling lucky button, so Google would use the first result which would probably be a Youtube video.

Medical Record Macros and Autotext

Here are some examples of how medical professionals and other health professionals can use Speech Recognition Anywhere to create custom commands for patient medical record macros or autotext. The following example allows the health professional to say "negative rash" and then a detailed description will automatically be typed into the form field.

Phrase: Rash negative|Negative rash
Action: Rash not worrisome for scabies, measles, meningococcemia, varicella, bullous disorder, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Toxic epidermal necrolysis, staph scalded skin syndrome, or disseminated herpes. No evidence of erythema multiforme, Lyme, cellulitis, necrotizing fasciitis, meningococcemia, rocky mountain spotted fever.
Description: Say "Rash negative" or say "Negative rash"

Here is an example of a short phrase that you can say for a medical test and have it write a detailed description:

Phrase: Lyme disease test|Lyme antibody test
Action: LYME DISEASE IGG/IGM, As recommended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), all samples with positive or equivocal results in the Borrelia burgdorferi antibody EIA (Screening) will be tested by Western Blot.
Description: Say "Lyme disease test" or say "Lyme antibody test"

Text to Speech

Speech Recognition Anywhere Chrome extension also has text to speech capabilities. Here is an example to have "Speech Recognition Anywhere" read out loud with text to speech the most recent message from chatGPT:

Phrase: Read Message
Action: speak_element(.markdown.prose[last])
Description: Say "Read message" to read the latest message from chatGPT

The above command uses the speak_element() action to select and read an element on the website that has a class like class="markdown prose" . To read the last element with that class, [last] is included to read the last element in the array. To read the first element with that class then you would replace it with [0] . The parameter for speak_element() is similar to querySelectorAll in JavaScript with an optional [n] to specify which element in the array to read. Press Esc or say "Stop Reading" to stop the text-to-speech.

Here is an example of a custom command for making Wolfram Alpha into a talking virtual assistant with voice recognition:

Phrase: Wolfram\s*Alpha,? (.*?)
Action: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=$1;speak_element(.sc-dd4bd8a-1.lonOYg[1])
Description: Wolfram Alpha Question

Note: As of 12/30/2018 the latest Chrome update blocks speechSynthesis on websites without any notification. To allow speechSynthesis on a website you will need to click on the lock symbol 🔒 or ⓘ to the left of the website address in the address bar and then scroll down and click on the down arrow next to Sound and select "Allow". You will need to do this on every website that you want to use the speak() command on.

The above phrase includes \s* between Wolfram and Alpha because sometimes Google's Web Speech API detects the phrase as "Wolfram Alpha" and other times as "WolframAlpha". This command will accept both. The Action is actually a script. Each script command is separated by ; (semi-colon). The first action in the script goes to wolframalpha website with the input string that was spoken. For example, say "Wolfram Alpha When is the next moon rise?". The next action in the script tells Speech Recognition Anywhere to speak out loud with text-to-speech an element on the web page with speak_element() . The element is an img tag with class="sc-dd4bd8a-1 lonOYg" . Wolfram Alpha puts the result in an image instead of plain text. But that image has an alt attribute with a plain text answer to the question. So .sc-dd4bd8a-1.lonOYg[1] reads out loud the second or [1] img tag with class="sc-dd4bd8a-1 lonOYg" . The parameter for speak_element() is similar to querySelectorAll in JavaScript with an optional [n] to specify which element in the array to read.

Here is another example of a text-to-speech custom command that creates a Decision Maker:

Phrase: Should I (.*?)
Action: say(Yes|No|Definitely Yes|Absolutely Not|Probably Not)
Description: Decision Maker

The say command will read aloud whatever text you put there. The | or pipe (also called vertical bar) separates each text to read as an OR. The say command will randomly choose one of the answers to read aloud. Now ask any question that begins with "Should I...?"


In the Action field of custom commands you can create an action script. Each command is separated with a ; (semi-colon). Here is an example:

Action: http://example.com/; scroll_it(down); click_element(search); speak(answer)

The above action script will first go to example.com . Then it will scroll down the page, then click on an element with an id of search and then speak out loud the text in an element with an id of answer .

Scripting Commands

;Separate each command in the Action field with ;
;;Pause for 1 second. (Each command is separated by half a second, so to pause for 1 second use two semi-colons.
%3BTo print a ; (semicolon) on the screen use the url encoded (percent encoded) version which is %3B
%28 %29To print parenthesis () use %28 and %29 respectively.
%2CTo print a text comma , in an "Action" function use %2C or surround the text with double quotes.
\btext\bIf the phrase begins and ends with \b then text will be replaced with the text in the action field. For Example: To replace open round bracket with ( use:
Phrase: \bOpen round bracket\b
Action: (
Description: Always replace: "Open round bracket" with "("
\uxxxx Replace Unicode Escape Sequences in Strings.
Example: \u2665 becomes heart ♥
See: https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-escapes#unicode
\u{xxxxx} Replace Extended Unicode Escape Sequences in Strings.
Example: \u{1F302} becomes closed umbrella 🌂
See: https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-escapes#unicode-code-point
add_labels(option) Add labels to buttons that are only images. option can be show or hide .
add_numbers(option) Add numbers to links, buttons, and inputs. option can be show or hide .
backspace(x)Press the backspace key. Where x is the amount of times to press it. Default is 1.
browse(option)Navigate the browser history. option can be back, forward, reload, refresh . Example to create a command to Go Back in browser history in Spanish:
Phrase: retroceder
Action: browse(back)
Description: Navigate Back in Spanish
capitalize_first_letter(text, all_words) Convert the first letter of text to a capital. If all_words is true then every first letter of every word in text will be converted to a capital. The default is false . For example:

Phrase: capitalize (.*?)
Action: capitalize_first_letter($1, true)
Description: Say "Capitalize hello world" to print "Hello World"
clear_text()Clear all text in the currently selected input or textarea.
click_element(el) The parameter for click_element() is similar to querySelectorAll in JavaScript with an optional [n] to specify which element in the array to read. el can be the id of an element such as #my_id or el can be a list of classes or attributes such as .class1.class2[attribute1='test'] .

The following custom command example adds a product to the safeway.com online shopping cart:

Phrase: Add (.*?) to Safeway
Action: url(https://www.safeway.com/shop/search-results.html?q=$1, https://www.safeway.com/);;;;;;;; click_element("product-item-v2 .item-not-available__message__text, product-item-v2 .btn.product-btn__add, product-item-v2 .product-btn__qty-step__increase");;;;; speak_element(.product-btn__qty-step__amt, .item-not-available__message__text)
Description: Add <keyword> to Safeway

The above custom command goes to the url safeway.com or if safeway.com is arleady open in a tab then it switches to that tab and searches for the <keyword>. $1 in the Action is equivalent to the <keyword> as found by the regular expression (.*?) in the Phrase . The extra semi-colons (;;;;;;) between actions are to add extra 1/2 seconds between commands for slow loading websites. The click_element() action above has an option of clicking on 3 different elements separated by commas (,). It only clicks on the first element found. Each element is inside a container html tag called product-item-v2 . Then it looks for an element with class="item-not-available__message__text". If that is not found then it looks for an element with class="btn product-btn__add". If that is not found then it looks for an element with class="product-btn__qty-step__increase". After it attempts to click on one of those elements then it uses the speak_element() command to speak out loud using text to speech. It attempts to read the text from one of two elements. First, it tries to read the text from the first element with class="product-btn__qty-step__amt". If it doesn't find it then it tries to read the text from the first element with class="item-not-available__message__text".

click_keyword(el) el can be the id of an element to click or the name, text, title, aria-label or alt of an element to click.
clipboard(option) option can be copy, cut, paste
datetime(locale, short|medium|long|full, date|time, ...) Insert date and/or time. locale is optional and defaults to the browser's default locale. short|medium|long|full is also optional and defaults to short. date|time is optional and defaults to date. Examples:

Insert date and time according to the default locale format of the browser:

Action: datetime(date, time)
Description: 11/17/2023, 7:24 PM

Insert long date and full time according to "en-GB" locale:

Action: datetime(en-GB, long, date, full, time)
Description: 17 November 2023, 19:25:29 Pacific Standard Time

Insert date according to "en-CA" locale:

Action: datetime(en-CA, date)
Description: 2023-11-17
dictation(option)Turn dictation (speech-to-text) on or off. option can be on, off, start, stop . (Only available in Full Version)
enter_key(x)Press the enter key. Where x is the amount of times to press it. Default is 1.
escape_key(x)Press the escape key. Where x is the amount of times to press it. Default is 1.
find_phrase(keywords)Find a word or phrase on the page and highlight or select it. For example, to create a custom command to search for a word or phrase using Spanish such as "Buscar restaurante":
Phrase: (?:búsqueda |buscar )(?:de |para )?(.*?)
Action: find_phrase($1)
Description: Buscar en Espanol
https://Start a command in the Action field with http:// , https:// , ftp:// , file:/// to go to that website or file. For example: https://seabreezecomputers.com will change the current location to seabreezecomputers.com
insertHTML(html)Previously any html in the action field would print as HTML . Now it will print as text since version 1.4.4 (3/5/2021). To print html now use the insertHTML() function in the action field:
Phrase: line break
Action: insertHTML(<br>)
Description: Say line break to insert html: <br>
insertText(text)To easily print text on the screen including < > ( ) ; then put the text in the insertText() command. Normally html tags < > will not print and ( ) ; are special reserved characters in the Action field. But if you put the characters in insertText() then they will print fine to the screen. Example:
Action: insertText(<div onclick="alert('Hello');">)
keypress(n, ctrl, alt, shift, win_key)For webpages that listen for keypresses. Where n is the keyCode of the key to press. For example: keypress(49) will press the 1 key. See Table of keyCodes. Or n can be the letter to press such as keypress(z). Example to send ALT+Z : keypress(z, false, true) ; Example to send CTRL+Z : keypress(z, 1); If n is a string then the string will be converted to keypresses to the website. For example: keypress(zebra) ; will send keypress events for z,e,b,r,a . (NOTE: The win_key will only perform special Windows operations if the Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On is being used.
lowercase(text)Lowercase text. Example:
Phrase: Lowercase (.*?)
Action: lowercase($1)
Description: Say "Lowercase Hello world" to print "hello world"
moveCursor(direction, x, option)Move the cursor in direction of up, down, left, right, top, bottom, start, end. x is the number of times to move that direction. The default is 1. option can be character, word, sentence, paragraph, document, paper, box, text or field. The default is word.
move_mouse(direction, n) Move the mouse arrow.
direction can be left|up|right|down.
n is the amount of pixels to move the mouse in the direction.
Example: move_mouse(up, 100) will move the mouse up 100 pixels.
You can also specify two directions in one command:
Example: move_mouse(up, 100, left, 200) will move the mouse up 100 pixels and left 200 pixels.
If you want to drag the mouse (or move the mouse while the left button is being held down) then add drag.
Example: move_mouse(drag, up, 100, left, 200)
You can also specify a specific x and y pixel location on the screen with move_mouse(x, y);
Example: move_mouse(500, 250)
Example: move_mouse(drag, 700, 500)
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)
open(website, name_of_tab)Open website in name_of_tab tab. This command is used to always open in the same tab. If the tab name_of_tab is already open then it will stay in the background if it is not the active tab. If name_of_tab is not supplied then this command will always open a new tab.
play(keywords, new_tab)Play keywords song or video using Google's I'm feeling lucky button. The default for new_tab is false . Here is an example of a custom command for playing music or a video using Spanish:
Phrase: (?:Toca|Juega) (.*?)(?: *?)?(?:en )?(?:una )?(nueva pesta[nñ]a)?
Action: play($1, $2)
Description: play() in Spanish. Di "Toca (música) (en una nueva pestaña)"
read(option)Read out loud with text to speech. option can be all, everything, page, webpage, paragraph, screen, article, website, site, main, content, main content, alert, notification, status, buttons, inputs, links, hyperlinks, web links, images, figures, headings, titles, headlines, menu, navigation, header, banner, footer, contentinfo, sidebar, aside, complementary, toolbar, selection, selected, highlighted
redo(x)Redo the last text that was undone with undo. x is the number of times to redo. The default is 1.
replace_word(text)Replace a word in a sentence with text. For example: To replace "ok" with "okay" use:
Phrase: ok
Action: replace_word(okay)
Description: Always replace "ok" with "okay"

Another example: To replace "+" with "plus" use:

Phrase: (.*?)\+
Action: replace_word($1 plus)
Description: Always replace "+" with "plus"

Another example: To replace US color(s) with UK colour(s) use:

Phrase: color(s)?
Action: replace_word(colour$1)
Description: Always replace color(s) with colour(s)

Advanced PERL Regex \U \L \u \l \E

Speech Recognition Anywhere can now use PERL Regex \U \L \u \l \E in the Action field.

   \U    All text after \U up to the next \E or \L is converted to uppercase.
   \L    All text after \L up to the next \E or \U is converted to lowercase.
   \u    The first character after \u is converted to uppercase.
   \l    The first character after \l is converted to lowercase.


Phrase: (jeff|tag|auto|haus)
Action: replace_word(\u$1)
Description: Always capitalize the first letter of jeff, tag, auto and haus.
Phrase: " (.*?) ?"
Action: replace_word("\u$1")
Description: Remove spaces in quote and capitalize the first letter
Phrase: (name is )(.*?)
Action: $1\u$2
Description: Always capitalize first letter of the word after "name is "
say(text)Speak out loud text with text-to-speech.
script(code)You can put advanced scripting in code using the script command. Use return variable at the end to have the variable displayed in the textarea. For example, here is a custom command script for displaying today's date in en-US format:
Phrase: (Enter |type )?today's date
Action: script(var today = new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-US'); return today;)
Description: Say 'Enter today's date' or 'Type today's date' or 'Today's date'

Another example: When you spell out words like names, such as "g e o f f", the Web Speech API automatically adds spaces in between the letters. Here is a custom command to remove those spaces:

Phrase: (\S\s){1,}\S
Action: script(var text = " $0".replace(/\s/g, ""); return text;)
Description: Spell out g e o f f without spaces (Ex: geoff)

Another example: To spell out a word and have its first letter capitalized:

Phrase: Capital ((\S\s)+\S)
Action: script(var text = " $1".replace(/\s/g, ""); text = text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1); return text;)
Description: Say "Capital g e o f f" to print "Geoff"

Note: At this time script() only works on some websites. Some websites block external scripts from running. It also will NOT work on the Speech Recognition Anywhere tab at this time.

scroll_it(direction)Scroll the page. direction can be up, down, right, left, top or bottom. You can also include an element type with the direction separated by a comma. The element type can be body, page, menu, navigation, sidebar or box. For example: scroll_it(menu, down) will scroll a menu on the page down. scroll_it(box) will default to scrolling a textbox on the page down.
scrollToPosition(el)Scroll to HTML element if it is not in view. el should be the id of the element.
select(option)option can be all or none . Select all text or none of the text in the currently selected input or textarea or on page. Some textareas on some websites also allow option to be character, letter, word, sentence, paragraph. These textareas can also have multiple options separated by a comma that includes a direction or the amount. For example select(last, 3, words) will select the previous 3 words behind the cursor. Another example, select(next, 2, sentences) will select the next 2 sentences in front of the cursor. select(sentence) will select the previous sentence.
set_language(language)Set the speech recognition language to language temporarily. A drop down list of languages can be seen in Speech Recognition Anywhere "Settings" menu.


Phrase: 미국 영어로 전환
Action: set_language(English \(United States\))
Description: In Korean switch language to English (United States)

You may also set the language using the language code. For instance, use: set_language(en-US) to set the language to English (United States).

show_desktop() Show/Hide Windows Desktop.
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)
show_programs(option) Show (All) (Windows) Programs. In Windows 8 or above opens shell:appsFolder to explore windows programs. In Windows 7 opens %PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs folder to explore windows programs by default.

Or option can be another Windows folder or program to open.
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)

show_windows() Show all open Windows in Microsoft Windows.
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)
start_menu() Open/Close Windows Start Menu.
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)
start_program(option) Start a Windows application.
option can be the title of a windows application or the process name.
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)
switch_windows(option) option can be the title of a window or the process name of a window. In that case it will switch to and focus on that Window in Windows.
option can also be close|next|previous|minimize|maximize|restore.
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)
spacebar(x)Press the spacebar. Where x is the amount of times to press it. Default is 1.
speak_element(el)Read or speak out loud the contents of an element. It will read the innerText, alt, aria-label or title attribute of the element. el can be a selector like using querySelectorAll in JavaScript with an optional [n] to specify which element in the array to read.

For Example: To read the WolframAlpha result use speak_element(.sc-dd4bd8a-1.lonOYg[1]); The element is an img tag with class="sc-dd4bd8a-1 lonOYg" . Wolfram Alpha puts the result in an image instead of plain text. But that image has an alt attribute with a plain text answer to the question. So .sc-dd4bd8a-1.lonOYg[1]] reads out loud the second or [1] img tag with class="sc-dd4bd8a-1 lonOYg" .

Press Esc or say "Stop Reading" to stop the text-to-speech.

The following custom command example adds a product to the raleys.com online shopping cart and then speaks out loud the text in an element:

Phrase: Add (.*?) to Raley's
Action: url(https://www.raleys.com/search?q=$1, https://www.raleys.com/);;;;;;;; click_element(".grid.grid-cols-2.gap-4 button.group.flex, [title='Up']");;;;;; speak_element(".text-sm.font-bold");;;;;;; speak_element(".h7.mt-1.line-clamp-2");
Description: Add <keyword> to Raley's

The above custom command goes to the url raleys.com or if raleys.com is arleady open in a tab then it switches to that tab and searches for the <keyword>. $1 in the Action is equivalent to the <keyword> as found by the regular expression (.*?) in the Phrase . The extra semi-colons (;;;;;;) between actions are to add extra 1/2 seconds between commands for slow loading websites. The click_element() action above has an option of clicking on 2 different elements separated by commas (,). First, it looks for an element with class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4" and then clicks on a button element contained in it with class="group flex". If it doesn't find that button then it clicks on an element with the attribute [title='Up']. After it attempts to click on one of those elements then it uses the speak_element() command to speak out loud using text to speech. It attempts to read the text from two elements. First it tries to speak the text of an element with class="text-sm font-bold". Then it tries to speak the text of an element with class="h7 mt-1 line-clamp-2".

submit_form()Submit the current form on the website.
switch_fields(option)Switch fields in a form or switch links. option can be next, previous, keyword such as the name or id of a form element or the number in order of the form/link element on the page.
switch_tabs(option)Switch browser tabs. option can be next, previous, close, last, first, number of tab, title or url of tab. Here is an example of a custom command for Spanish to switch tabs:
Phrase: Cambiar (?:a )?(?:la )?(.*?)? ?pesta[nñ]as? ?(.*?)?
Action: switch_tabs($1$2)
Description: Switch tabs in Spanish. Say "Cambiar a la siguiente pestaña" or "Cambiar a la pestaña anterior".
textType text on to the page in the currently selected input or textarea or it will choose the first available input on the page
.toUpperCase()Javascript String manipulation can now be used such as toUpperCase() . Here is an example of a custom command for making speech spoken to be uppercase or all caps:
Phrase: (?:uppercase|all caps) (.*?)
Action: $1.toUpperCase()
Description: Say "Uppercase hello world" to print "HELLO WORLD"
undo(x)Undo the last text command. x is the number of times to undo. The default is 1. Here is an example of translating an undo command into Spanish:
Phrase: Deshacer(?: *?)(\S*?)?(?: *?)(veces)?$
Action: undo($1)
Description: Undo() in Spanish. Say "Deshacer" or "Deshacer (Número) veces"
uppercase(text)Uppercase text. Example:
Phrase: Uppercase (.*?)
Action: uppercase($1)
Description: Say "Uppercase Hello world" to print "HELLO WORLD"
url(website, new_tab, focused)Change location to website. The default for new_tab is false. The default for focused is true . If focused is set to false then the tab will stay in the background. Just put url() with no parameters to open a new tab. Here is an example of a custom command for visiting a website using Spanish:
Phrase: Visit[ea]r? (.*?\.\s?\S{2,6})(?: *?)?(?:en )?(?:una )?(nueva pesta[nñ]a)?
Action: url($1, $2)
Description: url() in Español. Di "Visita google punto com (en una Nueva pestaña)"

new_tab can also be the name of a tab so that a tab is reused if the name is the same.

new_tab can also be a url. If new_tab is a url then it will look to see if there is a tab that starts with that url and use it, otherwise it will create a new tab. For example, here is a custom command that will look for a tab that starts with https://www.youtube.com/ when a user says "Youtube name of song" and use that tab if it exists:

Phrase: (Youtube) (.*?)
Action: url(https://www.google.com/search?btnI&q=youtube $2, https://www.youtube.com, true)
Description: "Play (title of song or video)" using Youtube
Privacy Policy
Hello ||| Hello! ||| Hi. How can I help you?
Can you tell me more information? ||| Can you provide more details? ||| Do you have more information?
Hello How can I help you? ||| How may I assist you?
How are you? I'm good. How are you? ||| I'm fine. Thank you.
Good Good. How may I assist you? ||| That's good. How can I help you?
Bad I'm sorry. How can I help you? ||| I'm sorry. How may I assist you? ||| I'm sorry. Hopefully I can help.
Good! I'm happy to hear that. ||| I'm glad its working. ||| That is good to know.
My name is Nice to meet you ##firstName##. My name is ##chatbot_name##.
My name is Nice to meet you ##firstName##. My name is ##chatbot_name##.
What is your name? My name is ##chatbot_name##. What is your name?
My name's Nice to meet you ##firstName##. My name is ##chatbot_name##.
John Smith Nice to meet you ##firstName##. My name is ##chatbot_name##.
What time is it?
What time is it there?
Thank you You're welcome! ||| You're welcome ##firstName##.
You are really dumb. I'm sorry. ||| I'm sorry that you are disappointed. ||| I'm sorry ##firstName##.
You're not very smart. I'm sorry. ||| I'm sorry that you are disappointed. ||| I'm sorry ##firstName##.
Are you AI? I suppose I am artificial in that I was created by humans. As for my intelligence, I only know what was written and programmed for me.
Are you powered by chatGPT? I am powered by only JavaScript and HTML.
Are you a person? I am a chatbot. A computer program. I am programmed with JavaScript and HTML. For more information go to https://www.seabreezecomputers.com/chatbot/
Where can I find instructions?

For a list of speech commands go to the Speech Recognition Anyhwhere tab and click on "Commands".

For help with creating custom commands go to http://www.seabreezecomputers.com/speech/

Also you can watch this video for basic operation: Speech Recognition Anywhere Video

How do I download the extension?

You can add the Speech Recognition Anywhere extension to your browser at the Chrome Web Store.

You can download the Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On at https://seabreezecomputers.com/speech/windows/

I can't find the Speech Recognition Anywhere icon on the Chrome toolbar

A recent Chrome update has changed things so that newly installed extensions do not show up on the Chrome toolbar. Instead they are hidden behind an "Extensions" icon on the toolbar that kind of looks like a jigsaw puzzle piece. To pin the Speech Recognition Anywhere icon to the toolbar click on the "Extensions" icon 🧩 that looks like a jigsaw puzzle piece and then look for "Speech Recognition Anywhere" in the list and click on the pin icon 📌 next to it.

What is the Privacy Policy on the use of user information?

You can read the privacy policy information for Speech Recognition Anywhere here: http://www.seabreezecomputers.com/speech/terms/

Basically, no speech data, text or audio, is sent to us or our servers at seabreezecomputers.com. The speech recognition is processed by Google's servers through Chrome. You can read the Google Chrome Privacy Whitepaper here: https://www.google.com/chrome/privacy/whitepaper.html. If you are using Speech Recognition Anywhere with Microsoft Edge browser then the speech recognition is processed using Microsoft's servers. You can read the Microsoft Edge Privacy Whitepaper here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/privacy-whitepaper/.

As of 1/12/2021 Sea Breeze Computers collects and stores user's Google email addresses and ids for licensing status because Google is deprecating Chrome Web Store payments.

Will Speech Recognition Anywhere work with Microsoft Windows or Windows programs like Office or Word?

The Speech Recognition Anywhere extension works on Chrome, Chromium and Edge Chromium. It works on these browsers in Windows, Mac and some versions of Linux. Also, there is now a Windows Add-On that works with the extension that allows the speech recognition to work with Microsoft Windows and Windows programs and applications like Office and Word. You can install the Windows Add-On at https://seabreezecomputers.com/speech/windows/

What is the price? (Pricing)


Speech Recognition Anywhere 19.99 Per Year
Speech Recognition Anywhere 2.49 Per Month

Can I pay with PayPal?

Paypal is an accepted payment option. At this time all payments must be made at https://www.seabreezecomputers.com/speech/subscription/. Before purchasing, please make sure that you are using the same browser that you have Speech Recognition Anywhere installed on and that you are signed into Chrome browser with your Google account.

Can I pay in a different way without a credit card and receive an activation code?

At this time all payments must be made at https://www.seabreezecomputers.com/speech/subscription/. Before purchasing, please make sure that you are using the same browser that you have Speech Recognition Anywhere installed on and that you are signed into Chrome browser with your Google account.

Can I pay a one-time fee instead of a subscription?

At this time only a monthly or a yearly subscription is available. All payments must be made at https://www.seabreezecomputers.com/speech/subscription/. Before purchasing, please make sure that you are using the same browser that you have Speech Recognition Anywhere installed on and that you are signed into Chrome browser with your Google account.

Is it free?

Speech Recognition Anywhere has a limited 30 day free trial.

How is the free trial limited?

During the 30 day free trial you can't change any of the advanced settings. Here is a list of some differences:

  Free TrialFull
Choose between dozens of languages
Dictate emails and documents online
Fill in forms with your voice
Control the Internet with your voice
Text to Speech
3 Custom Commands
Unlimited Custom Voice Commands
Optional Voice Activation Phrase
Start with the Browser
Start in the background
Virtual Assistant Mode
Export/Import Custom Commands
Optional Windows Add-On (Beta)
I purchased Speech Recognition Anywhere but it still shows Free Trial

There are a few troubleshooting steps you can take if the license still says "Free Trial".

  1. Make sure that you restart your computer because sometimes Chrome stays in memory with just a restart of Chrome.
  2. If you received a receipt email from Sea Breeze Computers (via Paddle.com) then please follow these instructions:
    1. In the receipt email copy the order ID or receipt #
    2. On the Speech Recognition Anywhere tab click on "Settings" and then scroll down to License and paste the order ID in the box for "Order Number".
    3. Click on "Check".
  3. Make sure that you are signed into Chrome with the same account that you purchased Speech Recognition Anywhere with:
    1. On the upper right corner of Chrome browser click on the Profile icon 👤
    2. Sign in with your Google account. Make sure Sync is on.
    3. Click on the extension icon in the Chrome Toolbar and make sure that you are on the "Speech recognition anywhere" tab.
    4. Click on "Settings".
    5. Scroll down to License and click on "Check". If the "Sign in with Google" screen appears then you must click on "Allow" for the extension to get your correct license and purchase status.
  4. If it still doesn't work then try removing the extension from Chrome:
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Right click the extension icon and click on "Remove from..."
    3. Restart your computer
    4. Add Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
    5. Follow step 2 and 3 above.
  5. Another extension may have corrupted Chrome causing problems. To troubleshoot go to chrome://extensions/ in Chrome and disable the other extensions by clicking on the switch at the bottom right of each extension so that it turns gray. Then restart Chrome and try Speech Recognition Anywhere again.
  6. As a last resort you may need to Reset Chrome.
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Follow the instructions to Reset Chrome. Resetting Chrome will remove all extensions and custom settings and sign accounts out of Chrome.
    3. When Chrome has reset then make sure that you first sign into Chrome with the account that you used to purchase Speech Recognition Anywhere with so that it becomes the default account for Chrome. Make sure sync is on.
    4. Then reinstall Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
    5. Follow step 2 and 3 above.
How do I uninstall or remove Speech Recognition Anywhere?

To uninstall the extension right click on the extension icon on the Chrome toolbar and then click on "Remove from Chrome...".

Unfortunately, recent updates in Chrome have caused new extension installations to be hidden under a new Chrome "Extensions" icon that looks like a puzzle piece. If that is the case, then click on the "Extensions" icon 🧩 on the Chrome toolbar. Look for "Speech Recognition Anywhere" in the list and click on the icon next to it and then click on "Remove from Chrome..."

If you plan on reinstalling the extension in the future and you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".

How do I cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription please go to https://paddle.net/

Please note that if you cancel your subscription then the extension will go back to "Free Trial Expired" mode. So please don't cancel your subscription unless you are done using it.

How do I contact customer support?

Click here to read the support FAQ (Frequenty Asked Questions)

Sea Breeze Computers provides customer support by email.
Click here to send an email to customer support

Speech recognition is not working (General Troubleshooting steps)

If speech recognition is not working correctly please try the following steps:

  1. Right click on the Speech Recognition Anywhere icon and change "This can read and change site data" to "On all sites". Then try again.
  2. Go to chrome://settings/content/microphone and make sure that Microphone access to Speech Recognition Anywhere is not blocked.
  3. Another extension may have corrupted Chrome causing problems. To troubleshoot go to chrome://extensions/ in Chrome and disable the other extensions by clicking on the switch at the bottom right of each extension so that it turns gray. Then restart your computer and try Speech Recognition Anywhere again.
  4. You might try removing the extension by right clicking the extension icon, then click on "Remove from Chrome..." and then restart the computer. Then reinstall the extension from the Chrome Web Store. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
  5. As a last resort you may need to Reset Chrome.
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Follow the instructions to Reset Chrome. Resetting Chrome will remove all extensions and custom settings and sign accounts out of Chrome.
    3. When Chrome has reset then make sure that you first sign into Chrome with the account that you used to purchase Speech Recognition Anywhere with so that it becomes the default account for Chrome. Make sure sync is on.
    4. Then reinstall Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
Speech recognition is not working on other tabs or websites

If speech recognition is not working correctly please try the following steps:

  1. Right click on the Speech Recognition Anywhere icon in the Chrome toolbar and change "This can read and change site data" to "On all sites". Then try again.
  2. Go to chrome://settings/content/microphone and make sure that Microphone access to Speech Recognition Anywhere is not blocked.
  3. Another extension may have corrupted Chrome causing problems. To troubleshoot go to chrome://extensions/ in Chrome and disable the other extensions by clicking on the switch at the bottom right of each extension so that it turns gray. Then restart your computer and try Speech Recognition Anywhere again.
  4. You might try removing the extension by right clicking the extension icon, then click on "Remove from Chrome..." and then restart the computer. Then reinstall the extension from the Chrome Web Store. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
  5. As a last resort you may need to Reset Chrome.
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Follow the instructions to Reset Chrome. Resetting Chrome will remove all extensions and custom settings and sign accounts out of Chrome.
    3. When Chrome has reset then make sure that you first sign into Chrome with the account that you used to purchase Speech Recognition Anywhere with so that it becomes the default account for Chrome. Make sure sync is on.
    4. Then reinstall Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
How do I set a keyboard shortcut?

The best way to pause it is to turn the extension off and on with a keyboard shortcut.

  1. Click on "Settings" and make sure these settings are checked:
    ☑ Start in the background
    ☑ Click extension icon a second time to close the extension
  2. To the right of those settings click on chrome://extensions/shortcuts and look for Speech Recognition Anywhere in the list and then look for "Start/Stop". Click on the pencil icon ✎ to edit the shortcut key. It may already be set to CTRL+Shift+5. Important: Make sure that "Global" is selected in the drop-down so that you can use the shortcut key in Windows and not just in Chrome.
Why do I have a charge from paddle.net?

The billing company for Speech Recognition Anywhere is Paddle. Paddle provides online payments for thousands of software companies around the world.

The payment will appear on your bank or credit card statement as: PADDLE.NET* SEABREEZEC
If you used PayPal then it will appear as: PAYPAL *PADDLE.NET
(In Paypal Activity if you click on "Paddle.net" and then scroll down to "Order details" then under "Item name" will appear: [SEABREEZEC] Speech Recognition Anywhere)

To cancel your subscription please go to https://paddle.net/

Please note that if you cancel your subscription then the extension will go back to "Free Trial Expired" mode. So please don't cancel your subscription unless you are done using it.

Keywords: Unauthorized charge, Unberechtigte Belastung, Cargo no autorizado, Frais non autorisés, refund, Addebito non autorizzato, Cobrança não autorizada, 不正な請求, 未经授权的收费, 未經授權的收費

Error: The user turned off browser signin

For the extension to get your proper license and purchase status you must sign in to Chrome with the Google account that you used to purchase the extension with.

  1. In the top right corner of Chrome click on Profile icon 👤
  2. Sign in with your Google account. Make sure Sync is on.
  3. Click on the extension icon in the Chrome Toolbar and make sure that you are on the "Speech recognition anywhere" tab.
  4. Click on "Settings".
  5. Scroll down to License and click on "Check".
  6. If the "Sign in with Google" screen appears then you must click on "Allow" for the extension to get your correct license and purchase status.
  7. If it still does not get the correct status then you may need to enter your order number or reciept # in the "Order Number" field and press "Check" again.
  8. As a last resort you may need to Reset Chrome.
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Follow the instructions to Reset Chrome. Resetting Chrome will remove all extensions and custom settings and sign accounts out of Chrome.
    3. When Chrome has reset then make sure that you first sign into Chrome with the account that you used to purchase Speech Recognition Anywhere with so that it becomes the default account for Chrome. Make sure sync is on.
    4. Then reinstall Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
Error: The user did not approve access.

For the extension to get your proper license and purchase status you must sign in to Chrome with the Google account that you used to purchase the extension with.

  1. In the top right corner of Chrome click on Profile icon 👤
  2. Sign in with your Google account. Make sure Sync is on.
  3. Click on the extension icon in the Chrome Toolbar and make sure that you are on the "Speech recognition anywhere" tab.
  4. Click on "Settings" scroll down to License and click on "Check".
  5. If the "Sign in with Google" screen appears then you must click on "Allow" for the extension to get your correct license and purchase status.
  6. If it still does not get the correct status then you may need to enter your order number or receipt # in the "Order Number" field and press "Check" again.
  7. You might try removing the extension by right clicking the extension icon, then click on "Remove from Chrome..." and then restart the computer. Then reinstall the extension from the Chrome Web Store. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
  8. As a last resort you may need to Reset Chrome.
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before resetting Chrome "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Follow the instructions to Reset Chrome. Resetting Chrome will remove all extensions and custom settings and sign accounts out of Chrome.
    3. When Chrome has reset then make sure that you first sign into Chrome with the account that you used to purchase Speech Recognition Anywhere with so that it becomes the default account for Chrome. Make sure sync is on.
    4. Then reinstall Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
Error: OAuth2 not granted or revoked.

For the extension to get your proper license and purchase status you must sign in to Chrome with the Google account that you used to purchase the extension with.

  1. In the top right corner of Chrome click on Profile icon 👤
  2. Sign in with your Google account. Make sure Sync is on.
  3. Click on the extension icon in the Chrome Toolbar and make sure that you are on the "Speech recognition anywhere" tab.
  4. Click on "Settings" scroll down to License and click on "Check".
  5. If the "Sign in with Google" screen appears then you must click on "Allow" for the extension to get your correct license and purchase status.
  6. If it still does not get the correct status then you may need to enter your order number that was sent in an email in the "Order number" field and press "Check" again.
  7. If it still doesn't work then try removing the extension from Chrome:
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Right click the extension icon and click on "Remove from..."
    3. Restart your computer
    4. Add Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
    5. Follow steps 3, 4 and 5 above.
  8. As a last resort you may need to Reset Chrome.
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before resetting Chrome "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Follow the instructions to Reset Chrome. Resetting Chrome will remove all extensions and custom settings and sign accounts out of Chrome.
    3. When Chrome has reset then make sure that you first sign into Chrome with the account that you used to purchase Speech Recognition Anywhere with so that it becomes the default account for Chrome. Make sure sync is on.
    4. Then reinstall Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
    5. Follow steps 3, 4 and 5 above.
I receive the error, "Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.. NOTE: You must reload the web page you were trying to use speech recognition on before this extension will work on it."
  1. Right click on the Speech Recognition Anywhere icon and change "This can read and change site data" to "On all sites". Then try again.
  2. Restart the computer and try again.
  3. Another extension may have corrupted Chrome causing problems. To troubleshoot go to chrome://extensions/ in Chrome and disable the other extensions by clicking on the switch at the bottom right of each extension so that it turns gray. Then restart your computer and try Speech Recognition Anywhere again.
  4. If it still doesn't work then you might try removing the extension by right clicking the extension icon, then click on "Remove from Chrome..." and then restart the computer. Then reinstall the extension from the Chrome Web Store. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
  5. As a last resort you may need to Reset Chrome.
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before resetting Chrome "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Follow the instructions to Reset Chrome. Resetting Chrome will remove all extensions and custom settings and sign accounts out of Chrome.
    3. When Chrome has reset then make sure that you first sign into Chrome with the account that you used to purchase Speech Recognition Anywhere with so that it becomes the default account for Chrome. Make sure sync is on.
    4. Then reinstall Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
I receive the error, "The message port closed before a response was received.. NOTE: In a new tab you must reload the web page you were trying to use speech recognition on before this extension will work on it."
  1. Right click on the Speech Recognition Anywhere icon and change "This can read and change site data" to "On all sites". Then try again.
  2. Restart the computer and try again.
  3. Another extension may have corrupted Chrome causing problems. To troubleshoot go to chrome://extensions/ in Chrome and disable the other extensions by clicking on the switch at the bottom right of each extension so that it turns gray. Then restart your computer and try Speech Recognition Anywhere again.
  4. As a last resort you may need to Reset Chrome.
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before resetting Chrome "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Follow the instructions to Reset Chrome. Resetting Chrome will remove all extensions and custom settings and sign accounts out of Chrome.
    3. When Chrome has reset then make sure that you first sign into Chrome with the account that you used to purchase Speech Recognition Anywhere with so that it becomes the default account for Chrome. Make sure sync is on.
    4. Then reinstall Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
It keeps saying "Initializing..."

Please keep in mind that the extension doesn't work with custom Chromium browsers such as Brave, Vivaldi and Opera because the developers of those browsers have not developed a Web Speech API server for those browsers.

If it is stuck on displaying "Initializing..." then try the following steps:

  1. Restart the computer and try again.
  2. If it still doesn't work then try removing the extension from Chrome:
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Right click the extension icon and click on "Remove from..."
    3. Restart your computer
    4. Add Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
  3. Another extension may have corrupted Chrome causing problems. To troubleshoot go to chrome://extensions/ in Chrome and disable the other extensions by clicking on the switch at the bottom right of each extension so that it turns gray. Then restart Chrome and try Speech Recognition Anywhere again.
  4. As a last resort you may need to Reset Chrome.
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before resetting Chrome "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Follow the instructions to Reset Chrome. Resetting Chrome will remove all extensions and custom settings and sign accounts out of Chrome.
    3. When Chrome has reset then make sure that you first sign into Chrome with the account that you used to purchase Speech Recognition Anywhere with so that it becomes the default account for Chrome. Makse sure sync is on.
    4. Then reinstall Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
Speech recognition error detected: network.

Please keep in mind that the extension doesn't work with custom Chromium browsers such as Brave, Vivaldi and Opera because the developers of those browsers have not developed a Web Speech API server for those browsers.

If you are using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge and it keeps saying: "Speech recognition error detected: network." then try the following steps:

  1. Restart the computer and try again.
  2. If it still doesn't work then try removing the extension from Chrome:
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Right click the extension icon and click on "Remove from..."
    3. Restart your computer
    4. Add Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
  3. Another extension may have corrupted Chrome causing problems. To troubleshoot go to chrome://extensions/ in Chrome and disable the other extensions by clicking on the switch at the bottom right of each extension so that it turns gray. Then restart Chrome and try Speech Recognition Anywhere again.
  4. As a last resort you may need to Reset Chrome.
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before resetting Chrome "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Follow the instructions to Reset Chrome. Resetting Chrome will remove all extensions and custom settings and sign accounts out of Chrome.
    3. When Chrome has reset then make sure that you first sign into Chrome with the account that you used to purchase Speech Recognition Anywhere with so that it becomes the default account for Chrome. Makse sure sync is on.
    4. Then reinstall Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
Speech recognition error detected: aborted.

"Speech recognition error detected: aborted" may mean that speech recognition has already started using the Web Speech API in another tab, window or extension. Please close the other tab or window or disable the other speech recognition extension. You may need to restart Chrome and Speech Recognition Anywhere afterward. If the above doesn't work then try the following steps:

  1. Restart the computer and try again.
  2. If it still doesn't work then try removing the extension from Chrome:
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Right click the extension icon and click on "Remove from..."
    3. Restart your computer
    4. Add Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
  3. Another extension may have corrupted Chrome causing problems. To troubleshoot go to chrome://extensions/ in Chrome and disable the other extensions by clicking on the switch at the bottom right of each extension so that it turns gray. Then restart Chrome and try Speech Recognition Anywhere again.
  4. As a last resort you may need to Reset Chrome.
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before resetting Chrome "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Follow the instructions to Reset Chrome. Resetting Chrome will remove all extensions and custom settings and sign accounts out of Chrome.
    3. When Chrome has reset then make sure that you first sign into Chrome with the account that you used to purchase Speech Recognition Anywhere with so that it becomes the default account for Chrome. Makse sure sync is on.
    4. Then reinstall Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
Speech recognition error detected: audio-capture.

"Speech recognition error detected: audio-capture" might mean that the microphone is not plugged in properly, is not on or is muted. It may also mean that speech recognition using the Web Speech API was already being used in another browser window, tab, or extension. Please close the other window or tab or remove the other extension. If the above doesn't work then try the following:

  1. Click on Start ⊞ and search for "Manage sound devices" and click on "🔊 Manage sound devices"
  2. Under "Input devices" see if the Microphone is listed under "Disabled". If it is then click "Microphone" and then click on "Enable".
If the above doesn't work then try the following steps:
  1. Restart the computer and try again.
  2. If it still doesn't work then try removing the extension from Chrome:
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Right click the extension icon and click on "Remove from..."
    3. Restart your computer
    4. Add Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
  3. Another extension may have corrupted Chrome causing problems. To troubleshoot go to chrome://extensions/ in Chrome and disable the other extensions by clicking on the switch at the bottom right of each extension so that it turns gray. Then restart Chrome and try Speech Recognition Anywhere again.
  4. As a last resort you may need to Reset Chrome.
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before resetting Chrome "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Follow the instructions to Reset Chrome. Resetting Chrome will remove all extensions and custom settings and sign accounts out of Chrome.
    3. When Chrome has reset then make sure that you first sign into Chrome with the account that you used to purchase Speech Recognition Anywhere with so that it becomes the default account for Chrome. Makse sure sync is on.
    4. Then reinstall Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
I receive the error: "[Object HTMLDivElement]Reinstalling Chrome or doing a Chrome Reset may help fix this error"
  1. Right click on the Speech Recognition Anywhere icon and change "This can read and change site data" to "On all sites". Then try again.
  2. Go to chrome://settings/content/microphone and make sure that Microphone access to Speech Recognition Anywhere is not blocked.
  3. Another extension may have corrupted Chrome causing problems. To troubleshoot go to chrome://extensions/ in Chrome and disable the other extensions by clicking on the switch at the bottom right of each extension so that it turns gray. Then restart your computer and try Speech Recognition Anywhere again.
  4. If it still doesn't work then you might try removing the extension by right clicking the extension icon, then click on "Remove from Chrome..." and then restart the computer. Then reinstall the extension from the Chrome Web Store. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before removing the extension "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
  5. As a last resort you may need to Reset Chrome.
    1. If you have made "Custom Commands" then before resetting Chrome "Export" your "Custom Commands" to make a backup. Also, you may want to make a screenshot of your extension "Settings".
    2. Follow the instructions to Reset Chrome. Resetting Chrome will remove all extensions and custom settings and sign accounts out of Chrome.
    3. When Chrome has reset then make sure that you first sign into Chrome with the account that you used to purchase Speech Recognition Anywhere with so that it becomes the default account for Chrome. Make sure sync is on.
    4. Then reinstall Speech Recognition Anywhere from the Chrome Web Store.
Error getting audio stream from getUserMedia: NotAllowedError: Permission denied

It looks like the extension has been denied permission to use the microphone. Please follow the instructions below for your browser:


  1. Go to chrome://settings/content/microphone in the browser.
  2. Under "Default Behavior" click on "Sites can ask to use your microphone".
  3. Scroll down to "Not allowed to use your microphone".
  4. If Speech Recognition Anywhere is listed then click on the trash can icon next to it.
  5. Restart Speech Recognition Anywhere and when it asks to "Use your microphone" click on "Allow".
  6. If it still says "Permission denied" then on the Speech Recognition Anywhere screen look for an icon in the address bar that looks like a video camera 📹 with a little red x on it. Click on it and then click on "Always Allow" and then click on "Done". Restart Speech Recognition Anywhere.


  1. Go to edge://settings/content/microphone in the browser.
  2. Make sure the switch next to "Ask before accessing (recommended)" is on.
  3. Scroll down to "Block".
  4. If Speech Recognition Anywhere is listed then click on the trash can icon next to it.
  5. Restart Speech Recognition Anywhere and when it asks to "Use your microphone" click on "Allow".
  6. If it still says "Permission denied" then on the Speech Recognition Anywhere screen look for an icon in the address bar that looks like a microphone with a little red x on it. Click on it and then click on "Always Allow" and then click on "Done". Restart Speech Recognition Anywhere.
Error getting audio stream from getUserMedia: NotAllowedError: Permission denied by system

It looks like something has changed in your system settings (Windows or Mac) or another app is using the microphone. You can try looking in these areas:


  1. Click on Start ⊞ and search for "Microphone Privacy Settings" and click on it.
  2. Make sure that it says "Microphone access for this device is on". If it is off then click on "Change" and turn it on.
  3. Make sure that "Allow apps to access your microphone" is on.
  4. Scroll down to "Allow desktop apps to access your microphone" is on.
  5. You may need to restart Windows after making changes.


  1. Check System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Camera & Microphone.
  2. Make sure Chrome is listed and has a check in the checkbox.
Error getting audio stream from getUserMedia: NotFoundError: Requested device not found. Cannot find microphone.

It appears that your microphone is not being found. Make sure that the microphone is plugged in snug and in the correct port. You may need to unplug it and plug it back in to make sure it is snug. If you have a built-in microphone then you might try restarting Windows. That may help. If it still doesn't work after restarting Windows then you may have to check that the microphone isn't disabled by a switch on your computer. Or make sure the microphone is not disabled in Windows settings.


  1. Click on Start ⊞ and search for "Manage sound devices" and click on "🔊 Manage sound devices"
  2. Under "Input devices" see if the Microphone is listed under "Disabled". If it is then click "Microphone" and then click on "Enable".
How do I stop Speech Recognition from censoring swear words and bad words with asterisks ***?

You can't deactivate the word-censor. Both Google's and Edge's Web Speech API automatically censor offensive words and foul language. You can try making a custom command for each different word using this formula:


Phrase: f[*]{3}
Action: Action: replace_word(fred)
Description: Replace f with the first letter and replace 3 with the number of *s that it displays.

You will need to make a different command for each word and each variation.

To create a custom command go to the "Speech Recognition Anywhere" tab and click on "Custom Commands" and then click on "+ Add".


It is more difficult to create a custom command that allows bad words in Edge because Edge browser does not display the first letter of the word. So if you use multiple four letter words then you may need to also match other words before or after the bad word. Here is an example custom command for Edge:

Phrase: [*]{4}
Action: replace_word(fred)
Description: Replace 4 with the number of *s that it displays.

You will need to make a different command for each word and each variation.

To create a custom command go to the "Speech Recognition Anywhere" tab and click on "Custom Commands" and then click on "+ Add".

Keywords: bad, curse, swear, censor, censored, profanity, prophanity, sex, sexual, adult, ***, ****, censors

How do I make custom commands?

The free version comes with 3 custom commands that you can edit. The full version allows you create an unlimited number of custom commands. Go to the extension Tab and then click on "Custom Commands".

For help with creating custom commands go to: https://seabreezecomputers.com/speech/#custom

For help with macros and autotext go to: https://seabreezecomputers.com/speech/#medical

How to read selected text?

To have it read selected text outloud with speech to text you can say: Read selected text or Read selection

To create a custom command to read selected text you can use the following template. The example below is to ask to read the selected text in Spanish language.

Phrase: Leer texto seleccionado
Action: read(selection)
Description: Say "Leer texto seleccionado"

The free version comes with 3 custom commands that you can edit. The full version allows you create an unlimited number of custom commands. Go to the extension Tab and then click on "Custom Commands".

For help with creating custom commands go to: https://seabreezecomputers.com/speech/#custom

For help with macros and autotext go to: https://seabreezecomputers.com/speech/#medical

I can't see the bottom of the "Sign in with Google" window to click on Allow

It looks like your system text size is too large to fit the entire "Sign in with Google" window. You might need to temporarily lower the text size. Try following these steps:


  1. Click on Windows Start ⊞
  2. Type size
  3. Click on 💻 Change the size of text, apps, and other items
  4. Change "Scale and layout" to 100%

You may need to restart your computer. Then when the "Sign in with Google" window opens click on "Allow". Afterward you can reset your text settings to the percentage it was at previously.

If the above does not work then please try this suggestion: The two options at the bottom are "Cancel" and "Allow". You want to select "Allow". If you press the Tab key on your keyboard then it should cycle between the clickable options in that window. So if you press the Tab key 7 times then it will be on "Allow" and then you can press Enter to select it. So again, as you keep pressing the Tab key it will eventually highlight "Share data safely." When that is highlighted press Tab 2 more times and "Allow" will be highlighted below the screen and then press the Enter key.

Videos on websites will not play when I say "Press play"

This is Google Chrome's autoplay policy to not allow videos to play without the user interacting with the website using a keyboard or mouse first. Chrome Developer Console shows this error: Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first. https://goo.gl/xX8pDD.

Currently, there are two workarounds for this issue.

  1. If the embedded video is from youtube then you can say, "Watch on youtube" and the website will be redirected to youtube.com where the video can autoplay.
  2. You can use the "Press play" or "Click on play" phrase if you enable the autoplay command line flag for Chrome. You have to edit the Chrome shortcut to look something like this: chrome.exe --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required
    For more information see: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/autoplay/
Music or Youtube video websites keep opening. How do I stop this?

To stop the "play", "Listen To" or "Youtube" command go to the Speech Recognition Anywhere tab and click on "Custom Commands". Then uncheck "Enable" next to the command with the phrase "(Play|Listen to|Youtube) (.*?)" or erase the phrase completely.

Will Speech Recognition Anywhere work with Brave Browser?

No. Even though Brave browser is a Chromium based browser it is developed by third-party developers and does not have access to the speech recognition part of the Web Speech API because the developers of Brave do not want to pay Google to use it.

At this time the Speech Recognition Anywhere extension only works on Chrome, Chromium and Edge Chromium. It works on Windows, Mac and some versions of Linux.

Will Speech Recognition Anywhere work with Vivaldi Browser?

No. Even though Vivaldi browser is a Chromium based browser it is developed by third-party developers and does not have access to the speech recognition part of the Web Speech API because the developers of Brave do not want to pay Google to use it.

At this time the Speech Recognition Anywhere extension only works on Chrome, Chromium and Edge Chromium. It works on Windows, Mac and some versions of Linux.

Will Speech Recognition Anywhere work with Edge Browser?

As of January 2022, Speech Recognition Anywhere will work with the new Microsoft Edge Chromium. Microsoft has been testing the Web Speech API in the Edge Chromium browser. Currently the speech recognition in Edge automatically adds punctuation. There is an option in the Full version of Speech Recognition Anywhere to disable Edge auto-punctuation. There is no guarantee as to the quality or the continued operation of the speech recognition in Edge Chromium.

Speech Recognition will not work with Edge Legacy (the previous version of Microsoft Edge).

At this time the Speech Recognition Anywhere extension only works on Chrome, Chromium and Edge Chromium. It works on Windows, Mac and some versions of Linux.

Will Speech Recognition Anywhere work with Mozilla Firefox Browser?

No. Speech Recognition Anywhere will not work with Mozilla Firefox or other Gecko based browsers at this time. Mozilla never finished programming and setting up the servers for the Speech Recognition part of the Web Speech API. Speech Recognition Anywhere uses the Web Speech API which is built into Chrome and Chromium. The Web Speech API technology in Chrome was developed by Google developers. Also Chrome and Chromium were developed by Google developers.

At this time the Speech Recognition Anywhere extension only works on Chrome, Chromium and Edge Chromium. It works on Windows, Mac and some versions of Linux.

Will Speech Recognition Anywhere work with Android Devices?

No. Speech Recognition Anywhere will not work with Android browsers at this time. Currently a Speech Recognition Anywhere app is not being planned. Some Apps claim that they can install extensions from the Chrome Web Store but none of them seem to work with Speech Recognition Anywhere probably because they don't have the Web Speech API speech recognition technology programmed into the browser.

At this time the Speech Recognition Anywhere extension only works on Chrome, Chromium and Edge Chromium. It works on Windows, Mac and some versions of Linux.

Will Speech Recognition Anywhere work with Apple iPhone or iPad devices?

No, it will not work with Apple iPhone or iPad devices. There are currently no plans for an iPhone or an iPad app of Speech Recognition Anywhere.

At this time the Speech Recognition Anywhere extension only works on Chrome, Chromium and Edge Chromium. It works on Windows, Mac and some versions of Linux.

What browsers will it work with?

At this time the Speech Recognition Anywhere extension only works on Google Chrome, Google Chromium and Edge Chromium browsers. It works on Windows, Mac and some versions of Linux.

Can I use one subscription with multiple Google Profiles or Gmail accounts?

A subscription is for one person only. So if the different Google accounts or Google profiles are for different people then each person should purchase their own subscription.

If the different Google Profiles or Gmail accounts are for one person only then one subscription will work. However, the extension will only work with the account it was first purchased with. To work with the other accounts please follow these instructions:

  1. Start Speech Recognition Anywhere and click on "Settings".
  2. Check the box for "Allow Speech Recognition in other Chrome Windows".
  3. You will need to keep Speech Recognition open and running in the the main Google window with your primary Google Profile and then start another Google window with your other Google Profile. As long as you have Speech Recognition Anywhere running in the Google window with your primary account then speech recognition will work in other Chrome windows.
Can I use one subscription on another computer that I use?

A subscription is for one person only. So if the different computers are for different people then each person should purchase their own subscription.

If the different computers are for one person only then one subscription will work. You may need to enter your order number in the other computer. Use these instructions:

  1. Start Speech Recognition Anywhere and go to its tab.
  2. Click on "Settings".
  3. Scroll down to "License".
  4. Enter your receipt # or order id into the Order Number field and click on "Check".
I had to reinstall Windows. How can I restore the extension settings and custom commands?

Unfortunately, if you didn't export your custom commands with the "Export" button in Speech Recognition Anywhere then you will probably not be able to get the custom commands back. Extension data is not stored in the Windows folder but in the Users folder.

For Edge for Windows the data is usually at:
%localappdata%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\gpommikkpjaicfnmdnjmpkjfkehnfpmi
\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\gpommikkpjaicfnmdnjmpkjfkehnfpmi

For Chrome for Windows the data is usually at:
%localappdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\kdnnmhpmcakdilnofmllgcigkibjonof
\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\kdnnmhpmcakdilnofmllgcigkibjonof

For Chrome for Mac the data is usually at:
Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Local Extension Settings/kdnnmhpmcakdilnofmllgcigkibjonof

(%username% is your Windows account user name)

Theoretically, you could copy the data in the folder to the new folder if you have a different Windows username than previously. If not then it probably already saved over the data. It may mess things up, but if you find the older extension folder under a different user name you could try copying it into your new \Users\%username%\... folder.

How do I have it type emojis?

Try to add a "custom command" and use the replace_word() action. Here is an example:

Phrase: smiley face|happy face|smiling face emoji
Action: replace_word(😊)
Description: Say: "Smiley face" or "happy face" or "smiling face emoji"

To always have an emoji appear after a certain word then you can try a custom command like this:

Phrase: umbrella
Action: replace_word($1 ☂)
Description: Always replace "umbrella" with "umbrella ☂

How do I write lowercase letters?

To have it type with lowercase letters only then go to the Speech Recognition Anywhere tab and click on "Settings". Then check the following setting: ☑ Always lowercase all text

If you want to write only a phrase in lowercase then you can create a custom command and use the lowercase() action. Here is an example:

Phrase: Lowercase (.*?)
Action: lowercase($1)
Description: Say "Lowercase Hello world" to print "hello world"
How to replace German ß with ss?

To always replace German ß with ss you can create the following custom command:

Phrase: (.*?)ß(.*?)
Action: replace_word($1ss$2)
Description: Always replace German ß with ss

To create a custom command go to the Speech recognition anywhere tab and click on "Custom Commands" and then click on "+ Add".

On a certain website it prints everything I say twice (repeats)

If the speech repeats on a certain website there is a workaround that might work. In Speech Recognition Anywhere click on "Settings" and then check the box for "Use key presses to send text". This setting may not work on other websites though.

I have a billing question

For questions and issues about your bill, please go to https://paddle.net/ or send an email to customer support.

How do I add a word or replace a word?

If the speech recognition regularly transcribes a word or a phrase incorrectly then you can try adding a custom command and use the replace_word() action. Here is a simple example to always replace "ok" with "okay":

Phrase: ok
Action: replace_word(okay)
Description: Always replace "ok" with "okay".

See more examples at replace_word()

Keywords: Add words, replace words

Can I train it for better accuracy?

The speech recognition is processed using the browser's Web Speech API. Most people say that it is the best speech recognition they have used. There isn't any personal training that you can do but it is always being trained and improved by thousands of users around the world. There are a few things that you can try to do to improve the accuracy:

  1. Some users have found that if they speak a little more slowly and more distinctly than usual then it makes less mistakes.
  2. Microphone placement and microphone volume can make a difference. Different types of microphones work better in different environments. In some cases an omnidirectional mic is better and in other cases a cardioid pattern mic is better.
  3. Sometimes people don't realize that their voice is not clear in the microphone or they don't realize their microphone is having an issue until they record and playback their voice. In Windows you can use "Voice Recorder" to record and playback. You can adjust the advanced volume controls of the mic by right clicking on the 🔊 speaker icon in the Windows taskbar and then click on Sounds > Recording > Microphone > Properties > Levels. Sometimes having the microphone volume at 100 causes distortion. Lowering it to around 90 or so can sometimes help.
  4. If the speech recognition regularly transcribes a word or a phrase incorrectly then you can try using the replace_word() action in a custom command. Here is a simple example:
    Phrase: ok
    Action: replace_word(okay)
    Description: Always replace "ok" with "okay".
Sometimes it is slow and sometimes it doesn't work at all.

Unfortunately, slowness and performance issues can be caused by a number of reasons. The speech recognition is processed on Google's servers. Google has servers all around the world. Sometimes the Google server that is serving your connection gets busy with users and slows down. Other times it can be your Internet service provider that gets busy with users and slows down.

Another possible reason can be programs on your computer that are accessing the Internet (possibly updating) at certain times. This can cause your Internet bandwidth to slow down. Sometimes it is other extensions as well. To see if other extensions are causing a slow down issue you can disable all other extensions at chrome://extensions/ and then restart your computer. There is also a setting that you can enable in Speech Recognition Anywhere that helps some users when they have problems with slowness from Google's servers. Click on "Settings" and check "Disable continuous speech recognition mode (Works better for some users but not for others)".

Sometimes the beep sound does not play

I'm sorry about the issue. Pleas try to right click on the extension icon in the Chrome Toolbar and then click on "View web permissions" then change "Sound" from "Automatic (default)" to "Allow". Hopefully "Allow" will let it always play the beep sound.

How can I click on a button?

To click on a button on a website with your voice, say, "Click (title of button)". For example, to click on a button that labeled "OK", then say "Click OK".

Note: Speech Recognition and clicking on buttons is not allowed on the Speech Recognition Anywhere tab, at the Chrome Web Store, or on special chrome:// pages such as Chrome settings pages.

How do I remove dashes or hyphens from numbers?

The following custom command should remove dashes or hyphens from numbers. To create a custom command go to the Speech Recognition Anywhere tab and click on "Custom Commands" and then click on "+ Add". Then paste the phrase in the phrase field and the action in the action field.

Phrase: (\d+)-(\d+)-?(\d*)
Action: replace_word($1$2$3)
Description: Remove dashes from numbers
How do I change the language?

To change the speech recognition language you can try saying: "Change language to English"
A drop down list of languages can be seen in Speech Recognition Anywhere "Settings" menu.
If the "Change language" command is not working in your language then you can create a custom command as in the following example:

Phrase: 미국 영어로 전환
Action: set_language(English \(United States\))
Description: In Korean switch language to English (United States)
How do I export custom commands?

If you uninstall the extension then you could lose your custom commands unless you export them first. If you have purchased the full edition then you can save your custom commands to a file for backup. To export your custom commands to a file so that you can import them later, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the extension Tab
  2. Click on "Custom Commands"
  3. Click on "Export"
When I say 'Scroll down' the wrong box scrolls?

If the wrong box is scrolling up or down when you say "scroll down" or "scroll up" then you can try saying one of the following:
"Scroll menu down"
"Scroll sidebar down"
"Scroll document down"
"Scroll box down"

If that doesn't work then that means the makers of the website didn't put proper labels on the different scrollable boxes. Another thing to try is to say: "Scroll to the bottom." That will most likely scroll the wrong box to the bottom. But then you can say: "Scroll down" and possibly the box that you want to scroll will now scroll down since the other box is at the bottom already.

If I upgrade to the full version is the speech recognition unlimited?

If you upgrade to the full version then the speech recognition is unlimited and you can create an unlimited number of custom commands.

The free trial is for 30 days and is limited to 3 custom commands that you can edit. The free trial also doesn't allow you to change advanced settings.

To purchase it please use the "Buy Upgrade" link at the top of the extension tab.

How can I switch to text box?

To switch to a textarea or text box you can try saying: "Click on text box" or "Click on paper". If you know the name of a text field then you can say something like: "Click on subject". If you want to go to the next field then you can say: "Next".

Note: Speech Recognition and clicking on buttons is not allowed on the Speech Recognition Anywhere tab, at the Chrome Web Store, or on special chrome:// pages such as Chrome settings pages.

How can I use it in another extension's tab?

Unfortunately, extensions are not allowed to work in other extension's tabs or pages. This is against the policy of Chrome and Chromium based browsers.

Can I sort custom commands?

At this time custom commands cannot be sorted.

Last updated on April 17, 2024
Created on December 11, 2016