Speech Recognition Anywhere - Windows Add-On

Speech Recognition Anywhere - Windows Add-On

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Speech Recognition Anywhere
  • Type emails with your voice
  • Write documents with your voice
  • Control the Internet with your voice
  • Chrome Extension
Reconocimiento de voz en cualquier lugar
  • Escribe correos electrónicos con tu voz
  • Escribe documentos con tu voz
  • Controla la Internet con tu voz
  • Extensión de Chrome
Spracherkennung Allerorts
  • Geben Sie E-Mails mit Ihrer Stimme ein
  • Schreiben Sie Dokumente mit Ihrer Stimme
  • Steuern Sie das Internet mit Ihrer Stimme
  • Chrome-Erweiterung
Reconnaissance de la parole
  • Tapez des e-mails avec votre voix
  • Écrivez des documents avec votre voix
  • Contrôlez l'Inernet avec votre voix
  • Extension Chrome
Riconoscimento vocale ovunque
  • Digita e-mail con la tua voce
  • Scrivi documenti con la tua voce
  • Controlla Internet con la tua voce
  • Estensione Chrome
  • あなたの声で文書を書く
  • あなたの声でメールを入力してください
  • 音声でインターネットをコントロール
  • Chrome拡張機能
  • 用你的声音写文件
  • 用您的声音输入电子邮件
  • 用你的声音控制互联网
  • Chrome 扩展程序
  • 用你的聲音寫文件
  • 用您的聲音輸入電子郵件
  • 用你的聲音控制互聯網
  • Chrome 擴展程序
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Speech Recognition Anywhere Browser Extension - Windows Add-On

Speech Recognition Anywhere is a browser extension for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge that allows you to use your voice to control the Internet and it allows you to type emails and documents with your voice. Now there is a Windows Add-On for Speech Recognition Anywhere that allows you to use your voice to control Microsoft Windows and Windows applications.

Video Tutorial

System Requirements

  • Speech Recognition Anywhere browser extension running in Chrome or Edge
  • An active subscription to Speech Recognition Anywhere
  • Microsoft Windows 10 or higher (Partial support for Windows 7 and Windows 8)
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 or higher

Download Windows Add-On

Downloaded 0 times.
Previous Versions
05/17/2024 speech_recognition_anywhere_0.9.0.2.msi Downloaded 0 times.
03/23/2024 speech_recognition_anywhere_0.9.0.1.msi Downloaded 0 times.
02/03/2024 speech_recognition_anywhere_0.9.0.0.msi Downloaded 0 times.
Windows protected your PC Message

You may receive the following message from Windows Security:

Windows protected your PC

Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from
starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk.

If you receive the above message when trying to run the setup file then click on "More info". Then click on "Run anyway".

Speech Recognition Anywhere is an accessibility application that allows users to control their computer using their voice. The application can type key presses, move the mouse and click on buttons at the direction of the user. Therefore, it is easy for anti virus software to have a false positive and detect that it is potentially malicious.

Your Operating System is detected as:


  1. Close Speech Recognition Anywhere in the browser before installing the Windows Add-On.
  2. Start Speech Recognition Anywhere in the browser and click on "Settings".
  3. Then enable the following settings:
    • ☑ Start in the background
    • ☑ Click extension icon a second time to close the extension
    • ☑ Allow speech recognition in Microsoft Windows and Windows Applications
  4. Go to chrome://extensions/shortcuts in the browser and look for "Speech Recognition Anywhere". There is a new keyboard shortcut that will work globally in Windows. It is labeled "Start/Stop". Click on the pencil icon ✎ next to "Start/Stop" and type a keyboard shortcut. It must be in combination with the Alt or Ctrl key. (NOTE: Chrome needs to be running for the shortcut key to work.)
  5. You may need to close and then restart Speech Recognition Anywhere in the browser. If that doesn't work then try restarting your computer.

Available Windows Commands:

Screen Reader (Text-To-Speech)
Read all|everything|page|webpage|paragraph|screen|article|website|site|main|content|main content|document|window|alert|notification|status
Read buttons|inputs|links|hyperlinks|web links|images|figures|headings|titles|headlines|textareas|text box|text (on screen)
Read menu|navigation|header|banner|footer|contentinfo|sidebar|aside|complementary|toolbar|status bar
Read selection|selected|highlighted (text)
Stop|Pause|Resume|Unpause|Continue|Start      (reading|speaking|talking) (Or press ESC)
(Press) (the) Enter (key) (n time(s))
(Press) (the) Space (bar) (key) (n time(s))
(Press) (the) Backspace|Delete (key) (n time(s))
(Press) (the) Escape (key) (n time(s))
Type (control) (alt) (shift) (windows) <key> (key)
Type (control) (option) (shift) (command) <key> (key)
(Press) (the) Undo (key) (n time(s))
(Press) (the) Redo (key) (n time(s))
Undo|Erase|Delete (the) (last|previous|next) (n) word|sentence|character|letter(s)
Arrow Keys and Cursor
(Press) (the) Home|End|Up|Down|Left|Right (arrow) (key) (n time(s))
Move|Place|Put (the) Cursor (to|on|in|at) (the) up|left|right|down|end|start|home|top|bottom (by|of) (n) (the) (time|line|word|character|space|letter|sentence|paragraph|box|text|field)(s)
Select|Highlight (to) (the) (last|previous|next|all|text|field|box|none|nothing|start|end) (n) (character|letter|word|sentence|paragraph|line|document|paper)(s)
Deselect|Unselect|Unhighlight (all)
Copy|Cut|Paste (to|from) (clipboard)
Clear (the) (field|text|textarea|input|box|all)
Find (word or phrase)
Capitalize All (Word Or Phrase). Ex: Capitalize All Hello World
Capitalize (Word or phrase). Ex: Capitalize Hello world
Uppercase (word or phrase). Ex: Uppercase HELLO WORLD
Lowercase (word or phrase). Ex: Lowercase hello world
Scroll (page|body|document|menu|sidebar|box) (all the way) (to the) up|down|left|right|write|start|top|end|bottom
Scroll (page|body|document|menu|box)     up|down|left|right (all the way) (to) (the) start|top|end|bottom
Forms, Buttons and Links
(Press) (the) tab (key) (n time(s))
(Press) (the) shift tab (key) (n time(s))
Tab (previous|left|up|app|backward|next|right|down|forward) (n time(s))
Next|Previous (field|input|box|element|selection|option|entry|area|button) (n times(s))
Go|Switch|Change|Focus|Tab (to|on|in) (the) (keyword) form|field|input|box|element|selection|option|entry|area|link|button|switch|textarea
Click|Press|Check|Uncheck (to|in|on) (the) (keyword) (button|link)
Submit (form)
Add|Show|Hide|Remove     labels|tooltips
Add|Show|Hide|Remove     numbers
Date and Time
Insert date (and time)
Insert time (and date)
Insert (short|medium|long|full) date|time (and) (short|medium|long|full) (date|time)
Microsoft Windows and Windows Application Commands
Start (program|application) <title of program>
(Switch|Change) Window(s)
next|previous|close|minimize|maximize|restore window
Go to|Switch to|Change to|Click the|Select the (title of window) window
Show|List (all) windows
Double click (to|in|on) (the) (keyword) (button|link)
Double click
Right click (to|in|on) (the) (keyword) (button|link)
Right click
Move mouse (up|right|down|left) (n) (times|pixels)
Move mouse (up|right|down|left) (n) (times|pixels) ( and (up|right|down|left) (n) (times|pixels) )
Drag mouse (up|right|down|left) (n) (times|pixels)
Drag mouse (up|right|down|left) (n) (times|pixels) ( and (up|right|down|left) (n) (times|pixels) )
Move mouse (to) x (by|and) y
Drag mouse (to) x (by|and) y
(Open|Close) (Windows) Start Menu
Show|Hide (Windows) Desktop
Show (Windows) Taskbar
Show (All) (Windows) Programs|Applications

Available Windows Custom Commands:

click_element(name, controlType, className, option) Click on an element. name should be the AccessibleName property of an element in a Windows application. To narrow down the element (in case some elements have the same name) the controlType and className of the element can also be specified. option can be specified as single, double or right.
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)

click_keyword(option, keyword)
Click on a button or a control.
keyword should be the name of the button or control to click.
Example: click_keyword(ok) will left click on the "ok" button.

You can also specify to double click an element.
Example: click_keyword(double, ok) will double click on the "ok" button.

You can also specify to right click an element.
Example: click_keyword(right, document) will right click on the document.

Using the option "double" or "right" always moves the mouse pointer (arrow) to make the click. If the option is not specified then the mouse pointer is not moved and the command tries to invoke or toggle the pattern associated with the automation element. If you want to move the mouse pointer and do a single mouse click using an actual mouse click then the option of "single" can be specified.
Example: click_keyword(single, File) will move the mouse pointer to "File" element and do a mouse click.
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)
move_mouse(direction, n)

move_mouse(direction, n, direction, n)

move_mouse(drag, direction, n)

move_mouse(x, y)

move_mouse(drag, x, y)
Move the mouse arrow.
direction can be left|up|right|down.
n is the amount of pixels to move the mouse in the direction.
Example: move_mouse(up, 100) will move the mouse up 100 pixels.

You can also specify two directions in one command:
Example: move_mouse(up, 100, left, 200) will move the mouse up 100 pixels and left 200 pixels.

If you want to drag the mouse (or move the mouse while the left button is being held down) then add drag.
Example: move_mouse(drag, up, 100, left, 200)

You can also specify a specific x and y pixel location on the screen with move_mouse(x, y);
Example: move_mouse(500, 250)
Example: move_mouse(drag, 700, 500)
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)
show_desktop() Show/Hide Windows Desktop.
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)
Windows 10: Opens shell:appsFolder to explore installed Windows programs.
Windows 7: Opens %PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs folder to explore installed Windows programs.
The user can also specify a folder to browse:
Example: show_programs(%UserProfile%\Documents)
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)
show_windows() Show all open Windows in Microsoft Windows.
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)
speak_element(name, controlType, className) Read or speak out loud the contents of an element using speech synthesis or text-to-speech. name should be the AccessibleName property of an element in a Windows application. To narrow down the element (in case some elements have the same name) the controlType and className of the element can also be specified.
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)
start_menu() Open/Close Windows Start Menu.
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)
start_program(option) Start a Windows application.
option can be the title of a windows application or the process name.
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)
switch_windows(option) option can be the title of a window or the process name of a window. In that case it will switch to and focus on that Window in Windows.
option can also be close|next|previous|minimize|maximize|restore.
(Requires Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On)


Windows protected your PC message

You may receive the following message from Windows Security:

Windows protected your PC

Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from
starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk.

If you receive the above message when trying to run the setup file then click on "More info". Then click on "Run anyway".

Speech Recognition Anywhere is an accessibility application that allows users to control their computer using their voice. The application can type key presses, move the mouse and click on buttons at the direction of the user. Therefore, it is easy for anti virus software to have a false positive and detect that it is potentially malicious.

Threat or virus detected

Microsoft Windows Defender Windows 10 sometimes incorrectly detects the application as containing Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml. Speech Recognition Anywhere is an accessibility application that allows users to control their computer using their voice. The application can type key presses, move the mouse and click on buttons at the direction of the user. Therefore, it is easy for anti virus software to have a false positive and detect that it is potentially malicious.

Virustotal.com scans files with over 50 different anti virus engines including AVG, ESET, Malwarebytes, Avast, BitDefender, McAfee, Symantec.

Virustotal.com scan of speech_recognition_anywhere_0.9.0.3.msi : No security vendors and no sandboxes flagged this file as malicious. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/21b03c3333ec2711c6c9594f7d1bb30dffccf7f46f96b3914440996fb2cb94f3

Virustotal.com scan of speech_recognition_anywhere_0.9.0.1.msi : No security vendors and no sandboxes flagged this file as malicious. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/21b03c3333ec2711c6c9594f7d1bb30dffccf7f46f96b3914440996fb2cb94f3

Virustotal.com scan of speech_recognition_anywhere_0.9.0.0.msi : No security vendors and no sandboxes flagged this file as malicious. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/b00649d8e1159a4e6db97ef496f8598f857d38af739219690eeeea8eec898578

Virustotal.com scan of speech.exe : 1 security vendor and no sandboxes flagged this file as malicious. Security vendor analysis "Bkav Pro" detected W32.AIDetectMalware.CS in speech.exe
All the other virus vendors' analysis were clean. Bkav Pro is notorious for false positives of downloadable files. 1 out of over 50 virus scanners means it is a false positive and not really infected with malware. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/87a68c9017e9cca71e64846dd27e90222e7d5343d32783f2de3b8892a36e2032

Speech Recognition does not work with programs that start with: "User Account Control Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?"

Speech Recognition will not work with programs that require Admin privileges because User Account Control (UAC) on Windows starts the program with elevated privileges and then it can't be accessed by other programs. There are a few methods that you can try to make the program run without Administrator privileges that may or may not work:

  1. You can try to start the program with Speech Recognition Anywhere by saying: "Start program <title of program>. Speech Recognition Anywhere will attempt to start the program without Admin privileges.
  2. You can disable User Account Control (UAC) on Windows. To do so click on "⊞ Start", type in UAC. Select "Change User Account Control Settings". Use the slider to go down to "Never Notify". Click on "OK".
    This may disable Admin privileges for all programs. This method is not recommended because it can open Windows up to hackers if users of the computer are not careful using the Internet.
  3. There are other methods to try and start individual programs without Admin privileges. Most of these methods require some advanced configuration. You can read about some of these methods at https://woshub.com/run-program-without-admin-password-and-bypass-uac-prompt/.
"Show Numbers" doesn't display labels on the Windows Start Menu

Windows 10 and above has protected system UI elements (such as the Windows Start Menu) or processes that might be running at a higher privilege level. These Windows cannot be written on top of with labels because of User Account Control (UAC) for Windows. To show labels on these processes UAC would need to prompt for access which needs be done with a mouse or keyboard.

If you need to have "Show numbers" for the Start Menu programs then you can try saying, "Show all programs" and then wait for the folder with path C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs to display. Then say "Show numbers".

Speech Recognition is not working with some Windows Applications

Sadly, some Windows applications were not programmed with accessibility in mind.

If you are trying to use speech recognition in a text box then it may not work correctly if the programmers did not create the text box using the proper ControlType of "Document" or "Edit" with a "TextPattern". Speech Recognition Anywhere has a built-in "test_window" that can help you see the UIAutomation properties of an element. On the Windows Taskbar click on the Speech Recognition Anywhere application so that the window can be viewed. Then type the ~ on the keyboard and the test_window will appear. Now go to any Windows application window and hover the mouse over elements. The test_window will show the properties of the element including the "Name" and the "ControlType" or "LocalizedControlType" in the "HOVERED ELEMENT" section.

If you are trying to click on an element then you can see if the programmers added a proper accessibility name to the elements by saying: "Show labels". If the programmers added AutomationProperties.Name or the Control.AccessibleName property to the element then the label should appear next to the element. If the programmers didn't add the proper Name property then you still might be able to click on the element by saying: "Show Numbers". Then if the controlType is a proper Button element or other clickable element then you might be able to click on it by saying: "Click on [number]". For some elements you might need to say, "Double Click [number]" to properly activate it. If that still doesn't work then if you know the shortcut key for an element then you might be able to activate it by saying: "Type [key]". For example, you can try saying: "Type Control B".

Some applications may have data that is too large to do accessibility UI Automation. For instance, if Windows Media Player has hundreds of songs then if you try commands like "Click on [button]" or "Show numbers" then it may not work and may freeze Speech recognition anywhere and Windows media player for several seconds.

If you are trying to use text to speech to read a text box using speech synthesis then it may not work properly if the programmers did not create the text box using the proper ControlType of "Document" or "Edit" with a "TextPattern" or "ValuePattern". For example, if they just used a ControlType of "Pane" then there isn't any visible text available to accessibility programs. If that is the case then you can try saying: "Select All" or select text manually with the mouse and then say: "Read selection."

The Windows Add-On freezes (Not Responding) after some commands

Please keep in mind that the Windows Add-On is in beta and there will be some bugs. Also, please keep in mind that Windows accessibility UIAutomation in some applications is not made correctly and will cause freezing with certain commands.

If the Windows Add-On is frozen or not responding after a certain command is spoken then you may choose to wait for the Windows Add-On. This may take several seconds or possibly a few minutes. When it starts responding again then you can click on the Windows Add-On icon in the Windows Taskbar to view the window and then click on "Copy to Clipboard" to copy the diagnostic information. Then you may paste the diagnostic information in an email to Speech Recognition Anywhere support. Hopefully a fix will be found in the future after analyzing the diagnostic data. In the meantime, you may need to refrain from using that command (at least in that particular program).

If you are in the middle of a project and don't have time to wait when the Windows Add-On freezes then you may try to end the Windows Add-On process using Windows Task Manager. Type Ctrl+Alt+Del and then click on "Start Task Manager". (Sometimes starting Task Manager with Ctrl+Shift+Esc will also work.) In Task Manager click on the "Processes" tab. Type "S" on the keyboard to scroll to the processes that start with "S" and then click on speech.exe. Then click on "End Task". You may then need to close and restart "Speech recognition anywhere" extension in the browser.

Version History

Version - 6/4/2024
+ Bug fix: If dictation started with comma (,) then previously it was putting a space in front of the comma.
+ Skype now has proper spacing and capitalization.
+ Facebook app message box now capitalizes first letter.

Version - 5/18/2024
+ Bug fix where some text boxes in browsers like Firefox and Brave Chromium were sometimes not doing the correct capitalization and spacing.
+ Bug fix where "Clear text" and "select all" was not working in some text boxes in browsers like Firefox and Brave Chromium.
+ Bug fix where "Move cursor to the top/bottom" was not working in some text boxes in Firefox and Brave Chromium.

Version - 3/23/2024
Bug fix in keypress() command. "System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array." error was displayed if all 5 parameters were not used previously. Ex: keypress(key, ctrl, alt, shift, win_key)

Version - 02/03/2024
First Beta Release

Last updated on June 22, 2024
Created on December 1, 2023

((( spellific )))
Practice spelling while playing a fun word game!
Click here to play
Speech Recognition Anywhere
  • Type emails with your voice
  • Write documents with your voice
  • Control the Internet with your voice
  • Chrome Extension
Reconocimiento de voz en cualquier lugar
  • Escribe correos electrónicos con tu voz
  • Escribe documentos con tu voz
  • Controla la Internet con tu voz
  • Extensión de Chrome
Spracherkennung Allerorts
  • Geben Sie E-Mails mit Ihrer Stimme ein
  • Schreiben Sie Dokumente mit Ihrer Stimme
  • Steuern Sie das Internet mit Ihrer Stimme
  • Chrome-Erweiterung
Reconnaissance de la parole
  • Tapez des e-mails avec votre voix
  • Écrivez des documents avec votre voix
  • Contrôlez l'Inernet avec votre voix
  • Extension Chrome
Riconoscimento vocale ovunque
  • Digita e-mail con la tua voce
  • Scrivi documenti con la tua voce
  • Controlla Internet con la tua voce
  • Estensione Chrome
  • あなたの声で文書を書く
  • あなたの声でメールを入力してください
  • 音声でインターネットをコントロール
  • Chrome拡張機能
  • 用你的声音写文件
  • 用您的声音输入电子邮件
  • 用你的声音控制互联网
  • Chrome 扩展程序
  • 用你的聲音寫文件
  • 用您的聲音輸入電子郵件
  • 用你的聲音控制互聯網
  • Chrome 擴展程序
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User Comments

There are 34 comments.

Displaying first 50 comments.

1. Posted By: Fernando Beani - - December 30, 2023, 7:10 am
Gostaria muito de testar uma ferramenta que seja possível utilizar em qualquer aplicação seja web ou instalada que tenha um reconhecimento perfeito em portugues...

2. Posted By: Mike - - January 11, 2024, 10:17 am
Hi, I'd love to beta test the Windows extension.

3. Posted By: Arthur - bagulhaartubs@gmail.com - February 6, 2024, 11:31 am
please me send me a notification when its already available. I'll download it and it would help me a lot.

4. Posted By: Peter weissbach - - March 4, 2024, 11:57 pm
Please sign me up! Win11 Microsoft Surface 64bit

5. Posted By: DAVID WARNER - - March 6, 2024, 4:40 pm
Wow I am impressed. I've been using some other speech recognition software for years and I've just been hoping for a replacement and I think I found it. One question, if I wanted to type in all caps it doesn't seem to obey the keyboard selection of caps on, is there something I'm missing? Thank you very much

6. Posted By: Jeff - - March 6, 2024, 7:24 pm

It does not obey the caps lock key. In order to do caps you would have to say the command "Uppercase" before the phrase that you want to be in all caps. So you could say, "Uppercase Hello world" to have it type "HELLO WORLD".

You can also create the following custom command but when the command is enabled you won't be able to say any other commands. It will only do speech to text with uppercase for everything you speak:

Phrase: .*?
Action: uppercase($0)


7. Posted By: DAVID WARNER - - March 7, 2024, 2:16 pm
Hi Jeff,

Thanks that works great. I will use this quite a bit Microsoft front page but everywhere else as well. Let me know if you need anybody to beta test new ideas.

8. Posted By: Jazz F - - March 27, 2024, 4:38 pm
First of all thank you for this extension and app is helping me a lot, however I noticed it stopped working on webex chat and I need it as I use it very often, would there be a fix?

9. Posted By: Jeff - - March 28, 2024, 3:20 pm
Hello Jazz F,

Are you using Webex chat in the browser or the Windows application? I just tested Webex Chat in the browser with Speech Recognition Anywhere and it worked fine. Then I tested the Windows version of Webex chat and it also worked with Speech Recognition Anywhere. So there seems to be something that changed on your computer. It could be a recently installed or updated extension that is conflicting. If you are using Webex for Windows then make sure that you have installed the Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On.


10. Posted By: Jazz F - - March 31, 2024, 5:18 pm
Hello Jeff,
It works fine on the web browser but not the app "

11. Posted By: Jeff - - March 31, 2024, 5:25 pm
Hello Jazz F,

I'm sorry that it is not working with the Webex Chat app for Windows. I'm not sure why since it works for me. Do you have the Speech Recognition Anywhere Windows Add-On installed and working? Is speech recognition working in other Windows apps such as Notepad?


12. Posted By: Joni Pranata - - April 5, 2024, 7:06 pm
Are you planning to create an Ubuntu Linux add-on too? I had a great experience using it on Windows. But my daily driver is Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. I will be very happy if you make it happen.

13. Posted By: Jeff - - April 5, 2024, 10:15 pm
Hello Joni Pranata,

Thank you for the comment and the feature request. Unfortunately, I don't have an Ubuntu Linux computer system and I have never programmed for Linux before. So it would probably be a long time before an Ubuntu Linux Add-On would be created.


14. Posted By: Fabio - - May 13, 2024, 10:07 am
I discovered this application only yesterday, it definitively and completely solved a problem I had on a site which does not accept voice dictation (it had already been partly solved, but now even better).
I can say that it also works on Mozilla Firefox, although it is not 100% accurate as on Chrome and Edge (it may be useful for those who, for personal reasons, prefer to use this browser).

15. Posted By: Christine - - May 13, 2024, 1:01 pm
I like this App, but i have a big problem. When i use it in edge i can not use the personal commends, but it is doing kommata for me. When i use it in chrome it is not doing komatas, but i can add specific coments.

16. Posted By: Jeff - - May 14, 2024, 1:26 pm
Hello Christine,

I'm sorry about the issue you are having. Please try creating the following custom command in Chrome for comma:

Phrase: (.*?) (comma|komma|kommata)
Action: replace_word($1,)
Description: Replace the word comma with ,

You can add other words that you want replaced with , also. Just separate each word with a |

I'm not sure why Edge is not letting you add custom commands. Do you mean that when you click on "+ Add" it doesn't create a new custom command? Make sure that your order number is added to Edge. On the extension tab click on "Settings". Scroll down to "License". Paste your order number in the "Order Number" field and click on "Check".


17. Posted By: Jeff - - May 14, 2024, 1:31 pm
Hello Fabio,

I'm glad that the Windows Add-On is solving some problems for you! I'm sad to hear that it isn't working 100% with Mozilla Firefox. Thank you for letting me know. I'm going to look into it and hopefully there will be an update to the Windows Add-On in the future that fixes the problem.


18. Posted By: Carmen Möller - - June 1, 2024, 12:34 pm
Ich habe seit heute das Problem das er in den Einstellungen zwar das De- Schweiz nimmt aber er das ß schreibt anstatt ss

19. Posted By: Jeff - - June 2, 2024, 5:54 pm
Hallo Carmen Möller,

Um das deutsche ß immer durch ss zu ersetzen, können Sie den folgenden benutzerdefinierten Befehl erstellen:

Phrase: (.*?)ß(.*?)
Aktion: replace_word($1ss$2)
Beschreibung: Deutsches ß immer durch ss ersetzen

Um einen benutzerdefinierten Befehl zu erstellen, gehen Sie zur Registerkarte Spracherkennung Allerorts und klicken Sie auf "Benutzerdefinierte Befehle" und dann auf "+Hinzufügen".


20. Posted By: Jeff - - June 2, 2024, 6:28 pm
Hi Fabio,

I have recently made an update to the Speech Recognition Anywhere Add-On. Version You can download it at https://seabreezecomputers.com/speech/windows/

You will need to uninstall the previous version before installing the new version. I believe the problem with capitalization and spacing has been fixed for Firefox and chromium browsers. Let me know how it works for you. Thanks!


21. Posted By: Fabio - - June 2, 2024, 6:29 pm
Hi Jeff,

I confirm that everything is now transcribed correctly.

I don't know if anyone told you when the "comma" (,) is dictated: if the whole text is pronounced with the pronunciation of the "comma" (,) all in a row, then it transcribes with the exact spacing (without leaving a space) ; if instead the text is stated and then "comma" (,) is pronounced, at a later time, when everything has been transcribed, a space is placed and then the comma itself, which does not happen with the "question mark" (? ) and the "exclamation point" (!) [in this case the space is not left even if it is pronounced after, as it should be].

To give you an example:

My name is Fabio,

My name is Fabio ,

leave a space if the "comma"(,) is dictated after you have already transcribed "My name is Fabio"

Anyway, it's a minor anomaly, but I wanted to let you know.


22. Posted By: Jeff - - June 2, 2024, 6:30 pm
Hi Fabio,

I'm glad to hear that it is working better in Firefox and Chromium based browsers. Thank you for letting me know. Thank you also for letting me know that the Windows Add-On is putting a space before the comma if dictation starts with comma. I'll try to fix that in a future update.


23. Posted By: David Bensoussan - - June 7, 2024, 2:54 am
Il faut reconnaître depuis Paris (France) que cette extension est vraiment très bien faite et très performante. Notamment comparée à la reconnaissance vocale de grosses entités comme celles d'Apple ou de Microsoft. Cette extension est formidable car elle comprend vraiment ce que nous dictons. Les fautes d'orthographe ou d'incompréhension sont extrêmement rares. Il faut absolument la partager !

24. Posted By: Jeff - - June 9, 2024, 6:22 pm
Bonjour David Bensoussan,

Merci pour le commentaire!


25. Posted By: Jeff - - June 9, 2024, 6:23 pm
Hi Fabio,

Thank you for letting me know about the spacing and capitalization issues with the Skype and Facebook windows apps. I believe that both issues are fixed now with the latest update of the Windows Add-On. Version I believe that I also fixed the comma issue. You can download the update at https://seabreezecomputers.com/speech/windows/ . You will need to uninstall the previous version before installing it.


26. Posted By: Fabio - - June 9, 2024, 6:24 pm
Hi Jeff,

the problems have been solved, I confirm that the problems on Skype and Facebook and the comma problem have been solved.
Thanks for letting me know!


27. Posted By: DAVID WARNER - - October 9, 2024, 1:33 pm
For some reason, speech-to-text has stopped working where I need it the most on the Microsoft front page HTML editor. It's been working fine, and it's still working fine everywhere else except here. Do you have any ideas?

28. Posted By: Jeff - - October 9, 2024, 5:42 pm

I'm not sure why it would stop working in Microsoft FrontPage. Nothing has changed recently in Speech Recognition Anywhere so it seems that something must have changed on your computer. Can you think of anything that might have changed? 

You might try restarting the computer. Also, when FrontPage starts does "User Account Control" pop up and say, "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?" That would mean FrontPage is set to require elevated Admin privileges and other programs like Speech Recognition Anywhere would not be able to edit it. So you would need to disable the UAC control on it. Or you can try closing FrontPage and then starting it with SRA by saying: "Start Program FrontPage". That should start it without elevated Admin privileges.

I don't know if that is the issue or not. It is just just a thought that came to mind. It could be something else.


29. Posted By: DAVID WARNER - - October 11, 2024, 10:07 pm
That worked ! I wasn't sure what you meant but I just gave the command, and it worked. So, I have to verbally give the command each time to open frontpage ? You don't know what a big help this is to me I use this program all day every day to write HTML .

30. Posted By: Jeff - - October 11, 2024, 10:08 pm
I am glad that it worked! If previously you were able to open frontpage with your mouse and still use speech recognition anywhere then it seems that recently your Windows user account control (UAC) has been set to be more strict for everything or just for front page. You may want to figure out why it changed and how to revert it back.


31. Posted By: DAVID WARNER - - October 12, 2024, 3:18 pm
Hi Jeff ,

I've gone in and disabled the UAC and even when and edited the registry and made sure it was completely shut off then rebooted my computer and still I cannot dictate into Microsoft front page when I open it normally by clicking on its icon . I've made sure that it has administrative run option checked and Rebooted .

It seems the only way it can work as if I start at with the SRA command. I've also uninstalled and reinstalled it so I guess I'll just keep opening it verbally and perhaps I'll run into the answer Someday. But as always thank you for all your help I appreciate you!

32. Posted By: Jeff - - October 12, 2024, 3:19 pm

Hi David,

To have an application work with SRA you want to NOT have "Run as administrator" checked. Part of the description for "Run as administrator" is: "while protecting your computer from unauthorized activity." So administrator mode blocks other programs from being able to edit text in the application.


33. Posted By: DAVID WARNER - - October 12, 2024, 3:20 pm

Wow another victory for you Jeff . I never would have guessed that to be the case . Thank you very much again I wish there was something I could do for you .

34. Posted By: Jeff - - October 12, 2024, 3:22 pm

I'm glad it is working now! Thank you for letting me know. The information will come in handy if another user has a similar problem.
